How to divide the Optoelectronics Group in Shenzhen Fuji Kang Group

How does the Shenzhen Fuji Kangqun Creation Creation Group divide the department? What is this business group? Intersection Please enlighten me

4 thoughts on “How to divide the Optoelectronics Group in Shenzhen Fuji Kang Group”

  1. Qunchuang is still good in the entire Foxconn. The benefits rank among the best. Recently, after the second largest panel factory in Taiwan, the second largest panel factory Qimei, surpassing friends to reach Taiwan’s largest panel supplier. There are many departments.

  2. Hello, this business group is still good.
    I Foxconn, PCEBG business group.
    不过, but if you enter Foxconn, you must not be employees on the assembly line.
    This is a bit hard!

  3. That department is still good, and now the efficiency is well concealed. How can the division be difficult to say?
    Is see how you get into it, what is the general worker
    ? It depends on your luck

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